Saturday, June 16, 2007

Today...a continuation of yesterday

What a ridiculously pathetic melodramatic title of this post. I titled it that way because there was something I wanted to rant about in my post about yesterday that i forgot so decided to try and succintly state it here. I was bothered that we had to be introduced to creative methods. Bothered, not in the sense that I thought it was wrong, but in the sense that we have taken so many cues from the corporate and educational world that our teaching has become programmatic and dull. It seems we have exchanged eccentricity for efficiency. It is particularly frustratig because if anyone or group should be expressing things in mediums other than words because of its grandeur and beauty it should be those that feel like their life has great purpose and value. Instead we have often relegated art to an accessory to worship rather than making it a means. I'm glad we are being taught new ways to bring it back. I just think it is a shame that we have left out so many talented people for so long. There are many days when I think the artist's heart is the only way to understand salvation, atonement, theology, and I wsh I had more of one.

With the second paragraph of this post I wanted to encourage my classmates who taught today by giving them some eedback about their teaching section, even if they never see this. Lee-Your teaching was engaging, I felt like I could listen to you teach all day. You really have a gift for communicating truth in a way that is easy to listen to and clear. Patty- I thought your dramatic telling of the stories of Rahab and Gomer were really creative and well done. James K- I appreciated the way you used discussion to engage each one of use and ask questions the whole time. Your questions kept us in it with you. Jimmy- The senses game worked really well with your story and was a great way to give them an activity with the teaching. Mike- I like that you chose an extremely relevant and foundational topic, and handled t succinctly and clearly. David from OC- It was clear that you work with kids and are gifted in this area. It was sweet to see you in your groove. Gary- Your passion for your people and church are clear and come through in all that you communicated. I'm glad you're doing what you are, is sweet. Brody- Not only were you hilarious and direct, it is clear you care about the people you serve in ministry and that is sweet. Ed- I'm glad you shared salvation. Believers and unbelievers alike can't hear the message enough. James A- It was clear from your style that you are comfortable teaching and a nturally, it was great watching you do it. David F- You gave us so much good stuff. I felt like you could have done a month on that topic. Tim- Thanks for a great class, you're a great teacher and practiced everything you taught. I was looking out for that and you were committed in word and deed. And thanks for wanting to get to know us individually. I'd love to take another class from you in the future if our paths ever crossed.

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