Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The book

Job 5:17-27
"How happy is the one whom God reproves; therefore do not despise the discipline of the almighty. For he wounds but he binds up; he strikes but his hands heal. He will deliver you from six troubles; in seven no harm shall touch you. In famine he will redeem you from death, and in war from the power of the sword. You shall be hidden from the scourge of the tongue, and shall not fear destruction when it comes. At destruction and famine you shall laugh, and sall not fear the wild animals of the earth. For you shall be in league with the stones of the field, and the wild animals shall be at peace with you. You shall know that your tent is safe, you shall inspect your fold and miss nothing. You shall know that your descendants will be many, and your offspring like the grass of the earth. You shall come to your grave in ripe old age, as a shock of grain comes up to the threshing floor in its season. See have searched this out; it is true. Hear, and know it for yourself."

These words come from JOb's pal Eliphaz the Temanite, so consider the source, but I think they are good.

Micah 6:8

He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

good words. right on Micah.


Ryan said...

I've been reading in Job recently as well. Ch. 6 is pretty interesting. I even put a little snippit on my myspace page...

Sher said...

I discussed Job last night with a friend of mine. He's planning on preaching it for his last sermon in preaching class. What a great book! So much can be learned about man's relationship with God, and how God is our sustainer. Great stuff! I recommend sitting down and reading the book in one sitting. I know it's long, but it's valuable to sit and read it all at once. It really helps you understand what's going on between Job and God. I LOVE that book! (Bible talk tends to get me really excited!)