Wednesday, April 27, 2005

stuff and things

Currently I am learning that the more you choose to love people the more you will be hurt. Its not really ever like that movie stuff where everyone wants to sing kum ba ya or at the end of the day you say man my lie looks grea. At the end of the day I do say, I love my life. I hope we all can. If we can't why do we do it. Nevertheless I think it has been an important distinction for me to realize. Vulnerability=peace. Peace doesn't look describable or desirable, but it remains. That is what is so cool about peace. It is. In the midst of chaos it is. I think its easy to look around at the brokeness and grow discouraged. However I've learned that brokeness can be serene if our perspective is right. When we realize we are broke we are most useful I think. Its a shame it takes being fractured or cut to see how powerful bleeding is. this is rambling. I think I'm retarded and dramatic.

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