Thursday, April 28, 2005


Somedays I anticipate death. Not in a wierd, morbid, goth way, just in a teen agnst, John Hughes Rite de passage movie kind of way. (Borrowing from Wayne's World of course.) I get really frustrated with fighting somedays. everyday I realize a little more what a coward I am. I realize that I talk much and exercise little. Nevertheless we press on. I don't know why I am writing this so others can see, but here I am. Ham I am. death really is victory. Truly it has already occurred if I believe the Word. Thus I should Find a way to remember it day by day. Gosh this is dramatic. Future posts will be more comedys and less drama. On a side note I have considered some new Titles for my forthcoming Gangster Rap album: ten in the clip- one in the hole, Mo meditate and less conversate. Just some ideas. I gotta go lay down some tracks.

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